Playing it safe

We are so happy to be able to keep on creating with your amazing young people during these uncertain times. Their safety and well being at Standouts is our absolute priority.

Under the Covid-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light System) we will be following the My Vaccine Pass requirements.

From 3rd December 2021, at any traffic light setting all parents and caregivers will need to show a My Vaccine Pass to enter the hall for drop-offs/pick-ups or to watch classes in action or performances. Once we’ve sighted your pass we won’t need to see it again until it’s time for renewal.

At traffic light Red all students 12years 3months and older must have a My Vaccine Pass.

At traffic light Orange or Red, face masks will be required for all parents and caregivers joining us in the hall.

Our small team of tutors including our volunteers are fully vaccinated and any external contractors we bring in will also be required to present their My Vaccine Pass when working in the hall with us for term time classes or holiday weeks.

Here are our other safety measures in place at Standouts to ensure all tamariki and whānau are kept safe at Standouts:

Contract Tracing

QR codes are displayed on hall door and in foyer to hall and are to be scanned by all adults entering the building.
We ask that parents and caregivers mask/scan/pass when joining us in the hall.

Hall Temperature & Ventilation

The hall and lounge will be kept at a minimum of 18 degrees and will be ventilated by open windows and doors to the courtyard.

Cleaning & Sanitising

Prior to the start of each class, staff will disinfect all touchable surfaces in hall and lounge.
Children must bring their own drink-bottles from home but we discourage bringing toys, devices etc


We will encourage students to wash and dry their hands or use hand sanitiser on arriving at Standouts.
Hand sanitiser will be kept in the foyer of hall and also in the hall, lounge and kitchen areas.
Anti-bacterial soap and paper towels will be in both bathrooms.
Children and staff should wash their hands before eating.

Sickness & Symptoms

If your child is unwell they must not come to Standouts. Any child we feel is unwell will be required to be collected promptly.


We can have performances with an audience in attendance but must play it safe. Adult and all audience members over 12yrs3mths of age must wear a mask, scan code and show My Vaccine pass on entering the hall.
Hall doors and windows will be open for ventilation as needed.
At the end of performances audience members can exit via the front or side door of the hall.

While at the Red setting we will have to restrict the size of our audiences to a maximum of 2 people per whānau. More info will be given ahead of a live performance in the hall.

Keep safe everyone and we hope we will see you soon!