Friday 27th April 2018

“I really enjoyed the Lest We Forget play. The sound effects and pure acting really brought the stage to life and the letters were another wonderful addition. The play really made both the actors and the audience think about the effects of war and how serious it was in reality”

Baxter Douglas (Regimental Sergeant Major)


This year, 2018, marks 100 years since the end of the first World War.

With Anzac Day falling in the middle of our workshop week it was only fitting that our play this holiday honour and remember not only the New Zealand soldiers but all New Zealand families effected by WW1.

Our story was set in Central Otago and followed New Zealand’s involvement in a war so far from home.

With music and songs from the era (thank you Charlotte!) it was a tremendously moving week.

The whole company’s waltz to Till We Meet Again was one of the most heart warming moments from the past 10 years at Standouts and will not be forgotten.
Thank you to lovely Lara Strong for helping with our fancy foot work over the course of the week!!

Big round of applause also to Sharon at Creative Show-Offs for our authentic WW1 era costumes.

In memory of my Great-grandfather Private Leonard Norman who lived to come home to tell his story.